Thursday, September 04, 2008

Green is IN

Join Zipcar and get $25 in free driving!

Green is in. The buzz word for almost everything now a days is being GREEN. Reducing ECO Footprints. Going Earth Friendly. Reusing plastic bags. Energy saving bulbs. Etc.

For the past year, I have been more aware of things that we can reuse and even refuse. I tend to bring my own bag to the grocery or even refuse a plastic bag and just carry items out if I can.

Being a New Yorker, being green is easy. You mostly walk around, hop on a fuel efficient bus and get around using the subway. But there are times where you just want to turn on your ignition and drive away and I found a solution for that. ZIPCAR!

I have been a ZIPster for the past few months now, and I couldn't believe the convenience of having a car but still being eco-friendly. I use the car when I need to (for an hourly fee, around $10/hr) and when I'm not using it, it goes to its own zipcar parking slot.

Why is it eco-friendly? From my vantage point, it forces me to plan out my trips to fit into an hour time slop I reserve it (you can reserve it for more than that too!).

And by the way, its a lot cheaper than a cab ride. A cab ride from the Upper East Side to Queens is roughly about $15. A ZIPCAR is $9/hour (usually on a week day), that already includes gas and insurance!

Join in the fun and be a fellow ZIPster. Zipcars are available nationwide and in the UK!

Click on the add and get a $25 driving credit!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Job Readiness

One thing that makes me go to the office everyday are the students that we serve. Last year, we started a program at work called Jobs to Build On. Taking a proactive role in helping students be successful, I initiated Job Readiness programs that prepare each individual with interview skills, resume preparation and other job prep skills.

This year starts off with a very busy schedule before my vacation. Hopefully, I get to roll out blog posts before the 24th.

Happy 2008!
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